Bottling Dreams of the Tearful Don’t-Knower
West End Theatre, Hunger & Thirst Theatre | October 2019
Written by Emily Kitchens | Directed by Paul Kite | Lighting Design by Wesley Cornwell | Sound Design: Randall Benichak | Cast: Philip Estrera, Dillon Heape, Natalie Hegg
Photo by Wesley Cornwell
there. remaining.
Matthews Acting Studio, Princeton University | April 2016
Conceived and directed by Ogemdi Ude | Original music: Vince di Mura | Lighting Designer: Wesley Cornwell | Projection Designer: Sydney King | Costume Designer: Mary Jo Mecca, Keating Helfrich | Sound Designer: Zara Jayant | Stage manager: Samuel Maeglin | Cast: Peter Deffebach, Yasmine Eichbaum, Selah Hampton, Catherine Ivanovich, Ugonna Nwabueze, Scot Tasker
Photo by Wesley Cornwell